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Conifer Boutique Hotel
Conifer Boutique Hotel
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Conifer Boutique Hotel

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Conifer Boutique Hotel

The newest boutique hotel consists of 42 elegant rooms and conveniently situated in the ancient French Quarter of Hanoi, just 2 minutes walks to famous Opera House and 5 minutes walks to the legendary Hoan Kiem Lake or Night market. Surrounded by plenty of plants and trees as well as parking areas, the hotel has a peaceful atmosphere which is ideal for business and leisure guests alike.

Contact us for rates.

Capital City of Hanoi, once considered a conservative city, has developed into one of the unbelievable exciting cities in Southeast Asia. It is slow paced but attraction captures, with lovely lakes, lush public parks, and shaded boulevards of old French-colonial architecture.
Hanoi is home to all the best of historic Vietnam and discovers traditional places of interests such as temples, monuments, including pockets of ancient culture along the narrow streets of an old quarter. Witness the rapid cultural shift as the cafes fill with young & trendy Hanoians, leisurely sipping cappuccinos and comparing latest electronics gadgets. 

 It is slow paced but attraction captures, with lovely lakes, lush public parks, and shaded boulevards of old French-colonial architecture.

Full day
From 72 USD

Explore the heart of Hanoi in this extensive city tour! Delve into the heart and history of Hanoi. Visit Hanoi's thousand year old university, Hanoi Hilton which used to be the infamous Hoa Lo Prison, the Sword Lake.

Full day
From 99 USD

Surround yourself in the rich history and breathtaking scenery of Vietnam. Step back through time at the ancient citadel of Hoa Lu, Vietnam's first capital. Cycle amongst the lime karsts and surrounding scenery. Then explore the spectacular scenery of Trang An complex, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

0 days
From 80 USD

The class is held at Old Hanoi - one of the very fine local restaurants in Hanoi - it is a culinary institution amongst locals, travelers and expatriates.

Full day
From 143 USD

Experience the rapturous beauty of this world heritage-listed site on this Halong Bay tour. After a drive through the rural villages of northern Vietnam we arrive at the bay and board a private junk. Set sail through turquoise waters dotted with over 3,000 magnificent limestone islands. Explore the many karsts and enjoy a seafood buffet while taking in the bay's mystical scenery.

Other Hotels

★★★★ - Superior
Welcome to the Hilton Garden Inn Hanoi hotel. Conveniently located in the centre of Hanoi City, this hotel is close to a variety of popular attractions, entertainment options and Fortune 500 companies. Our friendly and convenient Hanoi hotel also boa
★★★ - Standard
The newest boutique hotel consists of 42 elegant rooms and conveniently situated in the ancient French Quarter of Hanoi, just 2 minutes walks to famous Opera House and 5 minutes walks to the legendary Hoan Kiem Lake or Night market. Surrounded by ple
★★★ - Standard
Echoing the silver service of days gone past for a truly memorable stay!
★★★ - Standard
Overlooking peaceful views of the popular Hoan Kiem Lake, this elegant hotel features a 24-hour front desk, a flat-screen TV and free WiFi access is available at all areas of the hotel.
★★★ - Standard
Arrive as our guest - Leave as our family